Each year in February, at the annual conference, W.A.C.E. recognizes the “best and the brightest” in the chamber industry through a variety of special individual awards. W.A.C.E. also presents special recognition to chamber in the areas of newsletters, e-newsletters, web sites, marketing materials, and best new programs. The following is a listing of award and scholarship applications that are available through W.A.C.E.
W.A.C.E. Conference Scholarships: We all know someone that may need a little assistance in order to attend the annual conference.
Communications Awards: Looking for the best of the best when it comes to chamber communications? You've come to the right spot. Check out the most recent award winners in the categories of newsletter/magazine, e-newsletter, website, video and overall communications.
Accredited Chamber Executive (ACE) Designation: Initiated in 1992 to encourage chamber executives to continually upgrade and expand their skills through continuing education, and encourage chamber boards of directors to recognize chamber professionals and provide funding for training for their executives. Recipients of the accreditation are honored at the annual conferences. Must be updated every five years.
Executive of the Year: This recognition is given to the Chamber executive who has had an outstanding year. This is an annual, NOT a career, award. Click link for an application. If you’re not a candidate for this award, maybe your neighbor is.
Staff Person of the Year: Maybe one of your staff members is deserving of this award for their exemplary work at your chamber. Click link for form.
Pettit Award: Click link for an application for the Russell Pettit Memorial Award. We all know of individuals who have done a lot over the years to improve the professionalism of our business and are always there to help their peers. Here’s your chance to say thank you to one of your peers and nominate him/her for the Pettit Award.
Service Awards: Click link for your opportunity to receive recognition for your “survival” in this business.
Website Awards: Just how good is your web site? All of you should consider clicking the link and entering the web site evaluation and awards. The critiques and comments from the judges are excellent feedback and well worth the entry fee price.
Outstanding Chamber Program Awards: Begun in 2010, W.A.C.E. is recognizing programs in each of the core competency areas. Programs nominated for this award should have meet or exceeded the chamber's goals and MUST be able to be replicated by other chambers.
Overall Communications Award: Begun in 2010, W.A.C.E. is presenting an award for those chambers that are judged to have the best total communications program encompassing a chamber's membership packet, web site, newsletter or magazine, or e-newsletter. Applicants will also be required to submit essays on how your chamber is incorporating social media into your overall communications program and how your chamber is incorporating "tool kit" core competency messaging in your communications.
Video Award: Submit your Chamber's video "Telling Your Chamber's Story - Communicating Value" and your video may be featured at the Annual Conference in February. Click the link for more info.